How to Look Good During Your Live Stream Meeting or Event
Using Skype - Quick Start
Download and install Skype
Skype makes it easy to connect and collaborate with coworkers and business partners around the world:
Start instant message conversations and voice or video calls.
See when your contacts are available online.
Schedule and join meetings.
Present your screen during meetings.
Download and install
If don't already have Skype installed, see:
Sign in to Skype for Business
Enter your work or school account.
Select Continue.
If your organization provides instructions, follow the prompts on the screen. Otherwise, enter your password.
Select the Keep me signed in check box if you'd like Skype for Business to save your information so you don't have to enter it each time you sign in.
Select Sign In.
Set up Skype
Go to to create a new account.
Provide your phone number or email. You can also get a new email address either from or
Type in your first and last name.
You will now be asked for your birthday info and country of residence.
Prove you are a real person by typing random letters shown on screen.
You have an account!
How to use Skype chat, calls, and video chats
Once you have added a contact, you can simply look into your Contacts list and select the contact you want to initiate a conversation with. A chat window will open and you can start typing away. You can also start a voice call or a video call from this window.
Set up your audio device
From Show Menu , select:
Tools > Audio Device Settings.
Below Audio device, select the device you want and customize the settings:
Speaker - Select Play , and drag the slider to adjust the volume.
Microphone - Speak to test the volume, and drag the slider until the progress bar reaches the middle of the test area.
Ringer - Select Play , and drag the slider to adjust the volume.
Adjust the audio settings and select OK.
Set up your video device
From Show Menu , select:
Tools > Video Device Settings.
Below Video device, select the camera you want.
Adjust the camera angle to center your image in the preview pane.
Select Camera Settings if you want to adjust the video processor or camera controls.
Select Crop and center my video in meetings to focus and zoom in on your face during video conferences.
Select OK.
Preparing to Live Stream
Checklist for Live Stream Events, Meetings, or Interviews
Check your lighting. The light source should be towards your face, not behind you. Don't sit with a sunny window behind you.
Consider clearing clutter behind or on your desk so people can focus on you and your message.
Log in early enough to check your video and microphone volume when you practice with Girt Enterprises. If possible, do a test call with someone in a different space to see if there are audio issues you can’t hear on your end. (NOTE: You may need to invest in a mini-microphone, headphone or speakers to be clear. These devices often provide much better sound quality than your phone and sometimes better than your computer. Check our eBook for suggestions)
Email to us a copy of the slides you plan to use for the virtual event. Girt Enterprises will download your slides into our system to save you time and effort.
Pre-load any polls or engagement material into your social media event pages.
Send Girt Enterprises and videos or an opening slide that shares instructions or expectations with participants. Example: Please use the chat feature to ask questions or introduce yourself. We are recording this session. If you are experiencing technical difficulties please call 615-578-8000 or email Please turn on your video camera so we can see you and help you adjust your camera. The meeting will begin with introductions. Please be ready to answer our opening question: [Question1, 2, 3, etc. ?]
Optimize bandwidth on your device. For example, try setting your device to high priority on your wifi or internet router. Or, ask others to limit high volume internet use during the time of your meeting (i.e. no streaming movies, online game play, or downloading huge files).
Prepare slides and other material to be emailed to participants who can't view online.
Identify an alternative co-host who can step-up in if something goes wrong with the host's internet connection.
Have an on or off-site person dedicated to assisting the host, co-hosts and presenters during the live streaming event. The support person can read the chat box and forward questions to the hosts, solve technical issues, or assist anyone struggling with technology. Having one person in charge of speaking and one in charge of technical issues helps keep the call from stopping if technical issues arise.
REHEARSE. Use the hardware, software, links, slides, graphics and cameras to make sure everything is working well and ready.
Know when to quit. Agree with your team in advance about your plan if you experience technical difficulties. For example, if tech is not working 10 minutes after the starting time will you postpone, persist, switch platforms, or send as a on-demand link up?